B2B marketing strategy and “doing” is what the entire team has been immersed in for years and years. What a brilliant feeling therefore, to be seen in the industry as people that do this well.
On the back of this wonderful accolade, we thought we’d draw on this experience and share some of those common issues that impact marketing performance. (It’s understanding these that’s helped us earn this Best in B2B marketing badge). Whilst every business has its own unique situation, there are common underlying problems which prevent them getting the traction they needed. Spot the root of these issues and you’re a step closer to being able to fix it.
Outbound over-reliance
Focusing on outbound communications, relentlessly hitting the same prospect audience, is a limited approach which will tire quickly. There’s a crucial balance to be struck across new business, brand building, nurturing and retention efforts in any marketing strategy in order to engage prospects and avoid potentially irritating them.
It’s risky to assume that by simply knowing a prospect’s email address or telephone number it means that eventually, through one of those routes you’ll reach them and break them down. (Time and time again we see email marketing counted on as the key leadgen solution. Some people will simply never respond to email, and some company email servers will never let your email reach the intended recipient – fact.)
A multi-channel lead generation strategy is the only sensible approach. One where you test channels based on where your prospects “hang out” and seek information, and assess the quality of leads that each generates. You’ve heard this one before, “test, review, improve” – simple.
Counting on a junior
For a business ready for professional marketing, investing in a full-time junior marketing resource may seem like a smart move, and still a significant investment. However, without supporting your new marketer with the right direction and support you might be setting yourself up for a fail.
Without careful, skilled leadership and senior marketing expertise in the business to guide them how will they be equipped to a) deliver the right strategy and b) execute on it successfully? Similarly, how will you know what success looks like and how to measure your junior marketer against sensible KPIs if you’ve not done this before yourself? How will you know what success looks like?
Consider how to maximise your investment in junior marketing resource by:
- Mentoring your leadership team, to build the right level of marketing awareness at the top, and around your marketer.
- Bringing in marketing expertise on a part-time or flexible basis to guide and coach.
- Upskilling your marketer through training or courses.
Loving yourself too much
Alarming to us, but still we frequently see businesses leading with messages on the pedigree of their company, the wonderful “key features and benefits” of its products and services (yawn) and other self-centred aspects. Not sure where you sit on the scale of self-centred to customer-first? Do a quick scan on your website and collateral and count the “WEs” and the “OURs” and the “USs”. It’s a useful first indication of sounding like you love yourself.
The risk of alienating potential clients through this approach is huge. The B2B buyer expects to see their pain points reflected back in what they see and hear, and to understand why a business deserves their attention (i.e. through awards, case studies etc).
Keep the client at the heart of all marketing efforts and you give yourself the best chance of success. Show deep understanding of their issues and a genuine interest in helping. And have a tonne of proof to back it up.
A final word

You’ll find more of our marketing insights and advice in the Corporate Livewire publication here:
And from Your Allies founder, Linsay Duncan:
“Although much of our work is with London-based businesses or firms trying to crack the UK market, it’s brilliant for Your Allies to be showcased alongside such innovative companies from around the globe. A hearty thanks goes to my phenomenal team – I’m proud of what we have achieved. Happy to receive this recent award but happier still to see that what we do keeps helping our clients grow.”