Your guide to confident, fret-free insourcing
From time to time sourcing outside marketing help is necessary. That need may stem from a skillset you don’t possess in-house, the desire to speed a project up or from a gap within your team that needs filled. Deciding on what form that help should take – agency, contractor, freelancer or some other useful resource – is just one of the big questions that needs to be addressed.

Whatever support you decide to bring in to your fold, you want to feel confident in the decisions you’ve made to get you there and in the results they help you deliver. Your Allies’s “How2 ebook: 7 steps to confident, fret-free insourcing” is a simple guide walking you through this process, taking you from objective-setting right through to reviewing and working out how to best spend the extra time this extra set of hands has freed up. Set yourself up for a positive insourcing experience by reading up on the following steps:
STEP 1: Know what you want and develop a watertight brief
STEP 2: Be clear about your budget and timeframe
STEP 3: Know who you’re looking for
STEP 4: Immerse them in your world
STEP 5: Set crystal clear expectations
STEP 6: Tie them in
STEP 7: Seize the day and keep an open mind
Photo credit: CC BY Markus Spiske /, published unchanged