We business leaders and marketing directors know: an effective SME content marketing strategy needs to integrate with your lead generation and retention activities to make them successful. That said it can still be challenging to know how to get started and/or how to focus your efforts here to ensure maximum return. A recent survey highlights this: most of us claim that a lack of clear content strategy is the biggest challenge business leaders and marketing directors face within their organisation.
A basic level of solid content marketing may not be rocket science. But these tools and tips can help you better define your strategy and boost the engagement with your audience.
The Periodic Table of Content Marketing by Chris Lake, eConsultancy
Has the “Breaking Bad” effect brought back the periodic table into fashion? Tis of no matter as this visual, pick’n mix desk can help you define a clear SME content marketing strategy – from choosing the right format to selecting your metrics and defining your goals. For more context on this, read Chris’s full article here.
“This is a helpful one-stop shop for content marketing adapted to SME leaders and marketing directors. I really like the “sharing triggers” options as well, which are not always top of mind when planning a strategy but most definitely relevant.” – Linsay Duncan, Co-Founder, Your Allies
But that’s not all: you also need a strategy for your visual content…
Visual Content Strategy by Neil Patel, Content Marketing Institute
It is crucial for us marketers to understand how to use visual content effectively, as the distribution of our content depends on it. Therefore we need to plan the use of visuals within the content strategy: from their frequency to their position within the article, from their style and type to their purpose and goals.
“These are useful tips to help you define your visual content strategy whether you use your content on social media or for branding purposes. I also recommend checking this insight into how visual marketing assets can boost SEO and this handy guide to creating relevant visual content for social media ”, says Sabine Popp, co-founder, Your Allies.
If SME content marketing strategy is on your list of ToDos, and you’re not sure where to start, talk to us – we’d love to help.
Photo credit: www.pixabay.com – @tomeverslay / www.isorepublic.com published unchanged