Thoughts on thought leadership
When Network Sunday approached Your Allies asking for our perspective on the power of thought leadership, we jumped right in. For our clients, and our own business, producing content that offers value, insights and unique points of view is part of our day-to-day.

It’s what fuels successful marketing campaigns, it helps strikes up conversations with new people and keeps discussion going over time, keeping businesses front of mind and relevant. Thought leadership, when done well, is the life blood of any marketing initiative worth its
Thought Leadership:
Today’s Sharpest Marketing Tool?
Interviewing marketing and sales leaders across technology businesses, Network Sunday gets right into the crux of thought leadership – why it matters and how it can become a marketer’s greatest ally. The article explores:
- The importance of a thought leadership Strategy
- Strategies for executing thought leadership
- How to involve your marketing in content development
- Success stories
- Integrating sales with thought leadership
- Measurement and ROI.
How do you track thought leadership ROI?
When asked her thoughts on what good ROI looks like for thought leadership, Your Allies’ founder shares this:
ROI on thought-leadership must always relate back to your original marketing objective. Whether that’s to drive new business, increase brand awareness, grow existing clients, change perceptions of your business, or some other key goal.
Linsay Duncan – Founder, marketing professional and mentor, Your Allies
Read the full article here and if you’ve any questions on thought leadership and how it might work for your business, get in touch – we’d love to help explore how it could support your business objectives.